

Now that you have some clarity around what you’re really desiring for your love life, we can move on to creating a highly effective dating profile and drafting your online introductions. You bio and online introductions highlight what you have to offer in a relationship, and what you’re looking for.

Clear descriptions are highly effective because they help identify the type of people you’re open to connecting with and deter unsuitable matches.

This is a clever way of filtering; other people are going to be self-selecting themselves to connect with you, or not eg to pursue you for dating, or not…
We are aiming to polarise the ‘audience’ here and save you time. The strategy here is to attract great matches and repel people who aren’t a great match.

Dating App Profile Baseline Assessment

~10 minutes


Do you currently have an online dating profile?

If NO –> Continue to the next step

If YES –> It’s time to analyse your current dating profile.
Firstly, take screen shots of your current profile before you analyse or modify it.
You’ll upload these screen shots in the Accountability form later.

– Download a worksheet from the options below. The left button is for WOMEN, the right button is for MEN.


– Analyse your dating profile as you work through the columns to calculate your score in each of the different categories.


analysing Profile

– Submit a copy of your annotated worksheet with calculated points total (out of 35) in the Accountability Form at the end of the next part of this lesson.

Click the pink ‘Mark Complete‘ button when you have completed this section.